Friday, February 16, 2007

Introduction to plant hormone No.3 Cytokinin

  • Cytokinins are a class of plant growth substances (plant hormones) active in promoting cell division, and are also involved in cell growth, differentiation, and other physiological processes.
    Read on to find out why!!

    1) regulates the cell cycle

    2) Regulates tissue morphogenesis. The ratio of auxin : cytokinin in tissue culture medium determines root or shoot production

    3) Delays senescence and promotes nutrient uptake (delays senescence: eg slows the loss of Chl, RNA, protein, lipids)

    4) Promotes chloroplast maturation and cell enlargement in leafy cotyledons


  • Promotes growth;

  • stimulates cell division;

  • encourages growth in lateral buds;

  • blocks leaf senescence

Did you know??
The effects of this hormone was first discovered through coconut milk in the 1940s.

Before I sign off, think about this : what would happen if there was no more cytokinin in the leaf? What would happen to it?

This is theplantdoctor signing off. The next time, we will explore ethylene, plant hormone no.4. Stay tuned for the next post!!

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